& Partners



Lincoln Learning Solutions is dedicated to providing our clients with world-class resources. Our Cognia and WASC accreditations signify our commitment to delivering high-quality learning for our students and demonstrate we are committed to continuously improving our educational effectiveness.






Our certifications help us to ensure efficiencies for clients, empowering them to create new and meaningful learning experiences for their students. 

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We are proud to align ourselves with these best-in-class partners.






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Lincoln Content Bank Receives 2023

Tech & Learning Back to School Award


Tech & Learning is committed to helping its readers support their work in all learning environments. The Lincoln Content Bank received an Award of Excellence for Back To School 2023 in the Secondary Education category. 

Our team partnered with Amazon Web Services to create the Lincoln Content Bank, a supplemental learning resource. This LMS add-on tool allows educators to search a multi-modal educational content library of nearly 110,000 vetted, standards-aligned learning assets to help them personalize learning.  

“With ESSER funding coming to an end, and emerging tech like AI exploding into the market with little guidance as to how best to integrate this new technology into the classroom, it’s more important than ever to curate the many education products on the market to ensure your investments support innovative teaching and learning,” says Tech & Learning Content Director Christine Weiser.

“Our judges chose the following nominated products based on their versatility, compatibility, value, and ability to help schools solve challenges and support continuous instruction. Congratulations to all of our winners.” 



Dr. Rachel Book Receives Women of Influence Award


Each year, the Pittsburgh Business Times honors the most influential business women in our region with its Women of Influence award. The award recognizes women demonstrating remarkable performance in nonprofit, for-profit, and government entities.

We are honored to have Dr. Rachel Book, our Chief Sales and Marketing officer, stand among the 2021 recipients of the Women of Influence award. 

In addition to leading her team through the unprecedented demand for online learning throughout the pandemic, Dr. Book devotes her personal time to leading and participating in efforts to improve children’s opportunities. During the past 10 years, she has raised more than $100,000 for childhood cancer.

Other organizations in which she has helped include the Ronald McDonald House, Four Diamonds, Hunt of a Lifetime Foundation, and Relay for Life. She also volunteers at her local soup kitchen and serves on the board of the Beaver County United Way.

Adobe eLearning Showcase


Adobe eLearning Showcase Challenge


Lincoln Learning's Digital Media Department placed second in Adobe's eLearning Showcase Challenge Summer Edition. 

By combining the processes used to develop the conceptual videos and interactive learning objects found within our curriculum, the team created a VILO, a video interactive learning object. The project is truly a work of art and provides students with a beautiful and engaging learning experience as they study the phases of the moon.